
Secreted in the same glands that produce cannabinoids like THC and CBD, terpenes are aromatic oils that color cannabis varieties with distinctive flavors like citrus, berry, mint, and pine.

Terpenes may play a key role in differentiating the effects of various cannabis strains. Some terpenes might promote relaxation and stress-relief, while others potentially promote focus and acuity.

Terpenes are known to repel predators and lure pollinators. There are many factors that influence a plant’s development of terpenes, including climate, weather, age and maturation, fertilizers, soil type, and even the time of day.



Taste Description: Woody, piney, camphoraceous

Odor Description: Sweet, piney, earthy

Occurrence in Nature: Rosemary, basil, parsley, dill

Proposed Benefits:

Boosts energy, improves focus, bronchodilator, improves memory, anti-inflammatory

Gives evergreen trees their smell. Can counteract unwanted effects of THC such as anxiety and short-term memory.



Taste Description: Spicy, clove, woody, nut, powdery

Odor Description: sweet, woody, spice, clover, dry

Occurrence in Nature: Black pepper, oregano, cloves, basil, rosemary

Proposed Benefits:

It’s been known to reduce inflammation in the brain and reduced chemicals that cause oxidative stress associated with inflammation. May help fight bacterial dental plaque build-up and helps provide pain relief topically.



Taste Description: Herbal, woody, hoppy, spicy, earthy,

Odor Description: Woody, herbal, musty, hoppy, spicy, earthy

Occurrence in Nature: Basil, cardamom, grapefruit, lemongrass, orange, rosemary, allspice, sage

Proposed Benefits:

Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and a natural insecticide. Abundant in hops and is responsible for flavor, unmistakable tang and aroma of all varieties of beer. It’s known to suppress hunger.



Taste Description: Sweet, orange, citrus, terpy

Odor Description: Sweet, citrus, peely

Occurrence in Nature: Anise, Cardamom, celery, parsley, rosemary, juniper

Proposed Benefits:

Improves mood, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, relieves nausea, helps boost body’s cancer fighting systems, anti-inflammatory, cell rejuvenator. Mostly found in sativa strains and found in the rind of citrus fruits.



Taste Description: Cooling, minty, citrus, green spicy, camphoraceous

Odor Description: Woody, citrusy, leafy, minty

Occurrence in Nature: Allspice, angelica, anise, basil, blueberry, cardamom

Proposed Benefits:

Anti-Inflammatory, sedative, muscle relaxant, pain relief, analgesic, promotes sleep and relaxation. Mostly found in Indica strains.



Taste Description: Citrus, woody, lemon, lime, soapy

Odor Description: Pine, lilac, citrus, woody

Occurrence in Nature: Anise, Allspice, Apple, Apricot, Basil, Cinnamon

Proposed Benefits:

Pain relief, anxiety relief, antibiotic, antimicrobial effects, anti-seizure effects, gastro protective. Used in skin creams and salves, aromatherapy and helps keep immune system strong



Taste Description: Citrus, orange, lemon, floral, waxy, aldehydic, woody

Odor Description: Citrus, orange, floral, terpy, waxy, rose

Occurrence in Nature: Allspice, anise, basil, bergamot, jasmin, lavender, nutmeg

Proposed Benefits:

Anti-anxiety, sedative, pain relief, anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, prevents seizures. Calms and soothes and helps support body’s response to pain. It’s mainly found in Indica strains.