
Consuming Cannabis

No matter how you choose to consume cannabis, it’s always important to stay responsible. Starting low and going slow is some of the best advice we can give you when consuming cannabis for the first time, or even if you’re just trying a new product. 

New users

If you’re consuming cannabis for the first time, look for a product containing 2.5 mg of THC or less or 10% THC (100 mg/g) or less, and an equal or higher amount of CBD.  

Onset times 

If you’re smoking or vaping cannabis, the effects can take effect anywhere from seconds to minutes after you inhale it, and they can last up to six hours (or even as long as 24).  

Keep it locked up

It’s important to keep all cannabis in a safe, dry place. If you have pets or kids in the house, then make sure your cannabis is locked up and kept out of their reach.  

Don’t drive high

Do not drive high. Ever.